Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Save Journeyman

Rarely have I ever been moved by a television program enough to stomp my feet and complain about the network being complete imbeciles. Oh sure, I went through a brief period of depression when they cancelled the live action version of the Tick, but that may have been more to do with my desire to continue seeing the glorious Liz Vassey in her Captain Liberty costume.

But NBC has a well-written, well-acted, and riveting show in its greasy little palms and it is not ordering a full season of it. That show is Journeyman.

I won't give too much away, but the gist of this whole thing is that this newspaper reporter suddenly finds himself with the ability to travel back in time against his will. He has an unsteady family situation and his relationship with his cop brother is strained for a pretty significant reason.

The purpose of his time travel seems to be to help out a different person each time and alter the course of their history.

The show is a mindscrew of the best kind. The acting is top-notch and each plot commands your attention.

The idea of NBC cancelling this show is very disheartening to us. We DVR it every week and love watching it. If NBC does go through with cancelling this show, it will greatly affect my desire to watch any new show that comes out. I'd hate to find myself as attached to a show such as this only to have the network nix it before it has a chance to progress and grow.

Please do yourself a favor and check out some episodes here. You can scroll back to the pilot episode and start there. Pretty sure you will agree that this excellent show deserves to be seen.

Thanks also to the folks at for their grassroots effort to keep this show on the air.

Again, I'm not some wacko who went on a hunger strike when Fox axed Herman's Head. But I believe in Journeyman and hope, at the very least, that if NBC doesn't wake the fuck up and realize they have a unique, intelligent show in their arsenal, that a smarter, edgier network like SciFi or USA picks Journeyman up.

Check out some episodes on-line and let me know what you think.

- Dim.


Blogger Steve H said...

now i' sorry i didn't watch it - if it stays i promise i will.

and i do miss herman's head...

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this show. It's brilliant. I hope they don't cancel it!!! They always cancel the shows that make you think.

9:03 PM  
Blogger Steve H said...

hey dim, have a nice holiday, brother!!

7:37 AM  
Blogger Jenny G said...

Merry Christmas!

8:49 AM  
Blogger Debbie said...

Have a Merry Christmas!

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!!!


7:59 PM  
Blogger March2theSea said...

dude..happy new year

8:40 AM  
Blogger levinzky said...

Hey Dim, I've been cruising the internet looking for cool blogs, and by my link of "red wings" in the profile, came across yours. (I lived in the big "D" for 10 yrs)

And I have to say, I don't watch much TV at all, but love that show, Journeyman....very cool. It's cool to see more people out there liking it to....I have no faith in the NBC morons though. They'll cancel it. bastards.

Anyway - have a good one.

11:52 AM  

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